Tuesday, September 28, 2010

travel the planet 1- reviews

I like to read about hotels reviews on the trip advisor web site. Some are very helpful, some are just hillarious, however all of them help me choose the right place. I just want to ad that we NEVER use to book before,just started the trip and wound up somewhere........
Well a new era started with this reviews so here are some which I consider so so very funny (www.tripadvisor.com)

“Budget Hotel that is just OK”
Bel Esperance
Save Review
2 of 5 stars
7 contributions

Jan 20, Couples

First I will start with the good points. The hotel is in a good location very close to main shopping area and lots of restaurants and bars. We had a nice balcony that overlooked a quiet street and St Pierre Cathedral. Lots of closet space in the room. Staff was pleasant and helpful. Breakfast was basic continental but good. There is a nice overlook on 5th floor that you can take some nice photos of city and Lake Geneva.Free WiFi all throught the hotel.
Negatives: the decor of this hotel is appauling! When we got off the lift at our floor I thought we were in a daycare center. The walls are painted an awful yellow with pictures of clowns all over. Very strange! The rooms are very small and have a very small uncomfortable bed. Pillows are paper thin. The bathroom was clean but is somewhat run down and has mold due to excessive use.
We are all about budget hotels but this was like staying in a Youth Hostal! I would not recommend this hotel nor would I stay there again.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Saturday, May 29, 2010


Dieses Rezept habe ich unter die untere website gefunden und bin glücklich das ich es weiter geben kann. Unbedingt ausprobieren. Als Titel hier habe ich die Website von Belem Törtchen genommen, hat ein wundeschönes Design.

Zutaten für 4 Portionen
125 g Mehl
125 g Butter
5 EL Wasser
1 Prise Salz
2 Eigelb
1 Ei(er)
1 EL Mehl
1 EL Zucker
1 TL Vanillezucker
250 ml Milch
1 Msp. Zitrone(n) - Schale, geriebene
1 Msp. Zimt
Den Blätterteig auftauen lassen, die einzelnen Scheiben aufeinanderlegen und zusammen zu einem Rechteck von etwa 40 x 20 cm ausrollen. Den Teig von einer der kurzen Seiten her aufrollen. Die Rolle im Tiefkühlfach kalt stellen, bis sie sehr fest, aber nicht gefroren ist. Die Teigrolle dann in ca. 1 cm dicke Scheiben schneiden und kleine Förmchen mit den Teigscheiben auslegen. Als Förmchen sind z.B. sogenannte "custard tart" -Förmchen oder auch die Vertiefungen eines Muffinbleches gut geeignet.

Die Milch mit der Butter in einem Topf zum Kochen bringen. Wenn die Milch kocht, das mit Zucker und Salz gemischte Mehl dazugeben und dabei kräftig rühren. Kurz aufkochen, dann vom Herd nehmen und etwas abkühlen lassen. Das Ei und die Eigelbe sowie den Vanillezucker einrühren. Auf den Blätterteig in den Förmchen geben und im vorgeheizten Ofen bei 225 bis 250 °C etwa 8 bis 10 Minuten backen. Die Zeit sollte nicht überschritten werden, da die Füllung sonst evtl. überläuft. Die Pasteten müssen an der Oberseite sehr dunkel, fast schwarz werden

Direkt vor dem Essen mit etwas Zimt bestreuen.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

we st out to visit our sons in Los Angeles. After a day or so we decided to go north and visit friend,together we had a beautiful vine tasing tour. For a sunny californian day you should always have a straw hat along. This was a "traveling" hat and it proved invaluble for the day.
Sunstone Vineyards and Winery is located 30 minutes north of Santa Barbara and is one of the most beautiful wineries and tasting rooms in the Santa Ynez Valley. Sunstone's tasting room is reminiscent of some of the small wineries in the Provencal French countryside, featuring a kitchen complete with a wood-burning oven and two stone barrel-aging caves built into the hillside. The Rice Family farms their 56-acre vineyards in an organic, bio-sustainable manner, meeting all California Certified Organic Farmer standards.

Friday, April 30, 2010

walk over the Brooklyn Bridge

check out this link by Mathias Kirsh, it could have been written by me because on the 22 of April we also walked over the Brooklyn Bridge coming from the Hotel Chesea where Andi Warhol and many other famous people lived and slept
photo taken by Ami Landmann with a Casio exilim camera

A Sunny Day in Brooklyn Town!

It was a beautiful sunny in New York - perfect for a long walk through the city. From our hotel, The New York Marriott Marquis, Times Square, we walked all the way to and across the famous Brooklyn Bridge - to the borough that is the most booming in recent years.
Highly recommended is an exhibition currently on display until January 31st at the Brooklyn Museum called "Who Shot Rock´n´Roll". It features photographs taken by various artists showing legendary musicians at the very beginning of their careers.

A Sunny Day in Brooklyn Town!
What you see are are intimate, sometimes frail and unusually innocent looking faces and postures from people like Aretha Franklin, James Brown, David Bowie, and Wilson Pickett.
Bassist John Lee has founded his own record company, Jazz Legacy Productions. The artist roster consists of Cyrus Chestnut, Steve Davis, Sharel Cassity, and The Heath Brothers - all of whom are performing tonight at the Blue Note so we have another exciting night of great Jazz to look forward to!
by Matthias Kirsch

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

winter in Berlin

this is how it looks at the moment in the Leichhardtstr. I kind of like it though.
I am wearing the UGS, and they are really ugly but warm and nice.
I feel like we are on sky vacation....I wish...

Wednesday, February 3, 2010


a beautiful picture
How happy you look, and you look like you will conquer the world. Behind you is Los Angeles, a big planet.
If you conquer that your good.
Now about wearing a light pans when the weather is hot is a good idea. Take a t_shirt along.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Happy people in Skiatos

Greece was always one of our favored places to go to.
In August, 2001 we decided to go there again as I turned the venerable age of 50. Getting there was easy. From Athens to Volos and from there by flying Dolphin to Skiatos. It seems that we were not alone in our wish to be on one of the nicest Islands. The place was full, packed full with people. We asked at the travel office in the port, we asked in restaurants, like we knew you do from back in the days. Nobody had a romm , let alone an appartment for the 4 of us. We then devided in 2 groups the boys to one direction , me and Abe the oposite and we met back after about one hour time. Nothing happend, nobody knew of any free accomodation that we could have. We went back to the turist office, in the mean time it was 12:30 at night. People were having fun, eating at the beautiful places that lined the port of Skiatos.We went back to the Travel office and asked again, they offered us a car, a cinque cento, the tiny small italian cars. We took it and were happy to put the luggage in it.
The guy in the travel place asked"would you go 10 km east on the island, we may have a room there". We would have gonne anywhere at the time, I was so tired i could not think strait anymore. In we got in our tiny cinquecento, the four of us and the luggage. We arrived at the Hotel, it was a 4 star...waw and we had a room, a very nice one at that. The place was just on the beach, so the first day enden well after all. The strty continuues because we had this room only for one night.............
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